By Hank Jones

This natural heat source is actually referred to as geothermal heating systems. This heating system is powerful and can supply heat for an entire home or perhaps an entire building. Where does the heat originate from? It comes from the Earth. Most people are well-aware that underneath the Earth's surface is captured heat. This heat is tested to be close to 50-70 degrees Fahrenheit. This warmth is preserved and renewable; therefore you don't have to worry about acquiring a lot of heat from the Earth. As you can see, this is a very natural heat source; you do not have to use electricity, boilers or heating units.
Just how do geothermal heating systems work? There are 3 parts of the system including the ground loop system, heat pump as well as the furnace unit. 1st, the ground loop system or sometimes referred to as "closed loops" are set up beneath the building. It is a system of tubes that are filled with liquids like anti-freeze, water or refrigerant. This fluid travels down to the Earth's source of heat and absorbs the warmth.
The 2nd portion of the geothermal heating systems is the heat pump. Experts use a heat pump to pump out the heat from the Earth; the pump is responsible for pulling up heat from the Earth's heat source and letting the fluid in the pipes absorb the heat. This is actually the primary mechanism that enables the system to pump out heat.
The last element is the distribution system. Once the heat is soaked up and the liquid goes up the pipes, it'll go directly to the furnace unit where the distribution system is. When the heat gets to the distribution system, the building or household can now get the heat it requires during the winter season.
The cycle proceeds like this-when the liquid element has released the heat, it goes back down to absorb heat again. This continuous cycle or process of geothermal heating systems provides a continuous heat flow in the building or household during cold seasons.
Apart from providing heat, the system can actually cool as well. The cycle will happen in reverse with the valves soaking up the heat from the home or building and pumping it out. The same liquid in the ground loop system will absorb the heat from the property or home and cycle it out. This system is beneficial during the summer months when people encounter extreme heat. Energy bills tend to increase due to the usage of electric fans and air-conditioning systems and cycling the heat away might mean financial savings on your part. In addition, you don't really need to use power for the hot water heaters since you can tap into the kept heat in the tube's liquid.
The main reason why geothermal heating systems are popular throughout the cold season is because they are cost-effective. You will be saving lots of money on electricity bills because your heat source is natural. It is said that making use of geothermal heating systems can save you up to 70% on your electricity bills. Moreover, this system also generates more heat without using energy compared to boilers and electric heaters.
Setting up a geothermal heating system doesn't mean you won't spend some money. This is an expense that will make you spend a big amount. You will have to install the ground loop system and heat pump and this cost about $2500. For a standard home, it will cost around $4000 for the entire system. The total amount looks pricey but geothermal heating systems lasts roughly 20-30 years. They are quite low in maintenance too. If you think about it, spending this much on something you will use for 20-30 years with 50-70% savings on electricity bills is a very reasonable trade-off.
Besides the energy bill savings you will get, the best thing about this system is that it is natural and renewable. You're not releasing any harmful chemicals into the Earth's atmosphere and you are not expending any energy at all. It is clean, safe and there's a constant flow of it. Making use of geothermal heating systems is helpful for anyone living on Earth. Furthermore, this system has been proven to work and efficient in providing heat even in the harshest climates around the globe.
Visit this geothermal heating systems site for more information on how geothermal systems work.
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