The drive home from work: traffic congestion, hard on the lungs- all the smoke from semi trucks and other big vehicles. After a full day inside a cubicle, you may look at the city you live in and see nothing but air pollution. How do you survive breathing the fumes of what you and your fellow neighbors have created?

Are you aware that the Environmental Protection Agency estimates household air is up to 70 times more polluted than what you breath in everyday during your work commute?
Most of this indoor pollution exists because people fail to get their ducts and furnace cleaned as often as they should.The cost of ignoring basic maintenance on your HVAC system can produce pollution worse than anything you will encounter outside, and could lead to expensive air duct service - or more serious, duct replacement.
You can't afford to take air duct cleaning for granted any longer. Here are 4 benefits of quality air duct cleaning and care:
1. Your health. Inside your current ductwork, there are actually all sorts of unwanted critters waiting for yourself to uncover. Harmful bacteria, fungus, mold and mildew spores, animal dander, as well as
pollen, consistently collect to contaminate the quality of your own clean air. Through air-duct cleaning and heater cleaning, you can remove these factors before they take control of you by way of allergies, asthma, or or other illnesses.
2. Energy savings. The EPA estimates that it doesn't even take one-tenth of an inch of dust buildup on a heating coil to negatively affect your energy efficiency.
3. Less work around the house. By engaging in routine maintenance and air duct cleaning you can greatly reduce the time you spend on menial chores like dusting.
4. Longer life expectancy of your heating and air conditioning equipment. By regularly engaging in good
quality air-duct cleaning, or hiring an HVAC specialist to ensure your ducts are getting the treatment they need for maximum overall performance, you help reduce the possibility of air duct repair or air duct replacement, that will certainly be awaiting you down the road otherwise.
It is best to stay on top of the problem before it is too late. But if it is time for an air duct replacement, act quickly. The money you can quickly make up for in a more efficient energy system and future awareness that will prevent serious problems before they occur.
Awesome information! Thanks for the post.